
When I started working on this series, my main goal was to experiment with composition and how it can constrain the movement of a body. As these paintings progressed, I got more control and understanding of how to let the body flow through the canvas. 

The first three paintings were made with a red under-painting. They are stiff and the body is not escaping outside the canvas, except the one that is upside down. After I reversed the figure, I understood that the main focus is not on the body parts inside the composition, but rather outside the painterly plane. 

The paintings that followed were made using green under-painting. These are done with a loose gesture and have more movement. They are meant to be exhibited as complimentary to each other where the stiffness of the red figure is complemented by the movement of the green composition.

Memories & Figures

These works were done in two years as a reflection on people and places from the past and present. I was particularly interested in exploring gestural mark-making and how that reveals the essence of the oil medium. Portrait studies are ranging in size from 20" x 20" to 30" x 30".  Bigger pieces such as Red Painting, Drowning, and Mother, Father, Sister, Brother are larger studies - 54" x 72".


Print Design